Getting started with VivaVitae
You’ll be sent some initial forms to fill in (these usually take about an hour to complete) and document your current health status in addition to the wellbeing goals you would like to work towards achieving. Forms should be returned at least 48 hours in advance of the initial consultation.
This first session starts with a comprehensive case overview, where
we’ll go through the paperwork that you have returned. During this
time, we’ll discuss your health and medical history, talk about what
you currently eat on a day to day basis, any nutritional supplements
you are taking currently and any tests you have had done already, in
addition to relevant functional testing I may recommend.
During the appointment, I’ll give you some nutritional guidelines and
a bespoke eating plan to start you off down the road to improved
wellbeing, in addition to lifestyle advice and testing and supplement
recommendations specifically targeted to your situation and to help
you achieve your goals. These are optional but can help speed up the
journey to wellness, by combining scientific testing with nutrition.
Following on from the first appointment, subsequent appointments will be scheduled at approximately four weekly intervals for the remainder of your package. At the first follow-up, you’ll be given a verbal explanation of any tests carried out. Further dietary and lifestyle advice will be given, taking into account how straightforward you have found the previous guidelines to implement. Different supplements may be prescribed, depending on how your body has responded to the recommendations carried out so far. We can then work together to build on the progress made to date.
Further appointments can be scheduled in order to recommend any follow-up testing, which may be necessary as the programme progresses, support you with longer term maintenance of the plan and generally work to restore your health and wellbeing in as short a time as possible. We’ll usually see each other once every four weeks initially, moving to once every six weeks as you get underway with the recommendations. Depending upon the issues you have come to see me about and how you get on with implementing the changes, programme length can vary from between two months up to a year. Many clients then like to book ‘top up’ appointments to keep them on track – these are often spaced a few months apart, throughout the year. Take a look at our packages for details of our 30,60 and 90 day supported programmes. You'll leave with a nutritional programme designed for you personally, which suits your lifestyle and takes your likes and dislikes into account and includes meal and snack ideas, recipe inspiration, handouts and other resources. I'll also suggest supplement recommendations and testing options to support you on your wellbeing journey.
I’m keen to stretch the investment that you’re making in yourself, and your lifestyle, as far as possible! That means only tests and supplements deemed particularly helpful for you will be recommended (with no obligation to undertake them) and the more sessions you book, the less expensive they become. A 90-minute initial consultation, including case overview and appointment as described (in addition to up to 2 hours of research into your case) plus email support costs £99, all to be taken within 30 days. 60 and 90 day supported packages are also available, so it's easy to contact me in between sessions for further advice and information. To explore all our plans and prices click here.
Laboratory tests
Tests from private laboratories cost between £50 and £450 and are charged in addition to the price of the consultations, but most new clients only require one or two tests to help us assess how to move forward with your case as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. Read more about these on our Testing Q&A page.
These will usually only be recommended for around 4-6 weeks – and never for more than 12 weeks. Read more about these on our supplement Q&A page. Please note:
Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary therapy, and may be relevant for individuals looking to enhance their wellbeing. Practitioners do not recommend Nutritional Therapy as a substitute or replacement for any kind of conventional medical care or treatment, and are not allowed to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions. Any client exhibiting ‘red flags’ as outlined by BANT will be referred back to their GP for further investigation. They may also work in conjunction with other medical professionals, by explaining the details of any Nutritional Therapy programmes that have been given.