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What kind of tests are offered? 


The testing we recommend is known as Functional testing.  Functional testing differs from other tests you may have had had done in the past in that it is offers a range of specialist testing options designed to assess how your environment can impact your health and wellbeing. Environment doesn’t just mean where you live and work – it also includes diet, stress levels and the body’s response to those variables. Levels of micronutrients (such as minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids), nutrients and antioxidants can be assessed, as well as gut function, metal toxicity, food intolerance and hormonal status evaluations. 



How are the samples collected? 


Some test samples can be collected in the comfort of your own home (eg. saliva, urine) while others will require a visit to a registered phlebotomist (details will be supplied) if a blood sample is required. You then send off the package directly to the lab (full shipping instructions are given with the test kits).    


How much do the tests cost? 


From around £50 up to £450, depending on what is being ordered.  



Do I have to have the recommended tests carried out? 


There is absolutely no obligation to have any testing done. It may, however, speed up the process of achieving wellbeing, as it gives a snapshot of what is happening within your body at any given moment in time and may therefore support the formulation of a diet and lifestyle plan based on the information gathered in conjunction with interpretation of the lab results.  



Some of the tests available include:

Gastrointestinal (GI) Testing and parasitology analyses: Can be helpful in assessing digestive concerns and nutrient absorption issues as sub-optimal digestion or imbalances in gut microbiota may underlie multiple chronic health complaints. Specific evaluations for parasites, infections and non-beneficial bacteria can be carried out to give a comprehensive overview designed to assess general digestive and absorptive functioning. 


The Intestinal Permeability (IP) challenge test:  Can be a helpful, non-invasive means of assessing effectiveness and integrity of the GI mucosa and may help to evaluate the presence of so-called ‘leaky gut’ syndrome. The lining of the gut wall is often subjected to a wide variety of stressors including caffeine, spices, alcohol, environmental chemicals, ongoing tension, or certain foodstuffs (if the individual is sensitive to them), for example.  This can result in impaired efficiency of the gut lining which may then result in onset of food sensitivities, allergies, skin complaints, joint aches and pains, gut problems and auto-immune conditions

Immunity assessment: Helpful for detecting weaknesses in the body’s immune system potentially due to food intolerances, yeast and mould infections etc.  


Toxicity testing: Our bodies are perpetually exposed to pollutants – from herbicides and pesticides in food to toxic metals or other environmental chemicals we may come into contact with through the air and water supply. Toxins can be detected and diet/lifestyle adjusted accordingly via this type of testing. 


Vitamin Profiles: Ongoing vitamin sufficiency is important for supporting wellbeing.

Hormonal Function assessment: Hormones can be thought of as chemical messengers that can direct and transport signals from one cell to another.  Tests that measure cortisol (the so-called stress hormone), thyroid function, fertility, specific male and female hormone functioning analyses are available. 


Combination panels: These integrated tests measure over 100 nutritional components which can help support assessment of nutrition and metabolic functioning as well as other health markers. 


Bone health: Markers from this testing may help to support optimal bone formation and maintenance, which in turn is useful for encouraging healthy ageing. 

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